          At : 1:21/8:28 國民大會:美牛修法恐報復(2/5) 20100111 At : 1:21/8:28 國民大會:美牛修法恐報復(2/5) 20100111 USA and Taiwan must have no official contact, therefore, Taiwan must 房地產 have no way to have any contract with USA government, not mention USA government must have no right to sign any contract with anyone out of White Ho 宜蘭民宿use formal Desk. The reason you Taiwan must have to rely on Hong Kong to speak for you, not only because Hong Kong has the best Chinese plus the best English (They must have n 景觀設計o problem to shame on those stupid bad ugly evil American werewolves at the first place in that American werewolves beef bargain crime scene, how dare you abuse your sucking public convenient 太平洋房屋place committing "Loud.10.Dong.Zhong" crime [You lie, you have to hide, that how the entire US Secretary Department must have to gone to die for their sucking White House committed shameless abusive crime of rapi 21世紀房屋仲介ng the younger smaller coward Democratic form in Taiwan in front of the entire world wide eyes] to talk your sucking special interest grouped beef issue to see your sucking US late President Reagan mad cow lie down crime like not 房屋貸款hing.) , but also Nation that has enough form of thinking tank all has no official relation with Taiwan, you are small, you must not force, you must not lie (Why sucking shameless USA dare commit the crime of plain lie? Because they are liars, they c 買房子annot see things right, they think their plain lie can win your oral "Monk.Boot.John.Lead" xxck, their superpowerful military force can crash you if you don't go along with their sucking "Monk.Boot.John.Lead" rape; they are too stupid bad ugly evil to see their own USA form 吳哥窟 not ever allow their sucking White House to get any power out of White House desk to sign, not mention anyone less powerful than their sucking White House pen. That how American werewolf can only scare, press, fear, threaten you sucking Taiwanese and Chinese liars, no way to shake any Fir 酒店兼職st Class Chinese or English. ) , you must not bend, you can only win because you are siding with the best will and best strength minority, that how Hong Kong is Taiwan only "Great.Ren".   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 好房網  .

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